Register Your Business in Sri Lanka: A Comprehensive Guide



Are you dreaming of starting your own business in Sri Lanka? Let BPO Corporate Solutions turn your ambition into reality. We offer comprehensive guidance and support throughout the business registration process, ensuring a smooth and successful launch for your venture.

Choosing the Right Business Structure:

Sri Lanka offers a variety of business structures, each with its own legal requirements and advantages. Here’s an overview to help you choose the best fit:

  • Private Limited Company (Pvt Ltd): Most popular choice, offering limited liability protection and suitable for businesses with multiple shareholders. Requires minimum of two directors and a company secretary.
  • Public Limited Company (PLC): Suitable for large companies seeking public investment through share issuance. Requires stricter regulations and increased compliance obligations.
  • Sole Proprietorship: Ideal for small businesses owned and operated by a single individual. Simple to establish and manage, but offers unlimited liability.
  • Partnership: Two or more individuals carry on business together, sharing profits and losses. Requires a partnership deed outlining rights and responsibilities of each partner.

Navigating the Business Registration Process:

  1. Name Reservation: Secure a unique and appropriate name for your business by checking availability and obtaining approval from the Department of the Registrar of Companies (ROC).
  2. Company Formation Documents: Prepare essential documents like outlining company objectives, Articles of Association (AOA) specifying internal governance, and shareholder information.
  3. Registration Fee Payment: Submit the required fees to the ROC based on the chosen business structure.
  4. Online Application: Submit your application through the eROC system, providing all necessary documents and information.
  5. Certificate of Incorporation: Upon approval, you will receive the official certificate, signifying your company’s legal existence.

Licenses and Permits:

Depending on your industry and business activities, you may require additional licenses and permits from relevant government authorities. BPO Corporate Solutions can assist you in identifying and obtaining the necessary licenses to operate legally.

Essential Documents and Information Checklist:

  • Proposed company name
  • Director and shareholder details
  • NIC of Director and shareholder
  • Nature of the business

Choosing Your Business Name:

A memorable and relevant name is crucial for building brand identity. Consider factors like target audience, business activities, and legal restrictions. BPO Corporate Solutions can provide guidance on choosing a suitable and compliant name.

Start your Sri Lankan business journey on the right foot with BPO Corporate Solutions. Contact us today and get expert assistance every step of the way!

We hope this guide has provided valuable insights into business registration in Sri Lanka. If you require more information or a free consultation on business registration, please visit our business registration service page or call us at +94 112 700 960. We’re here to assist you every step of the way. To set up a free consultation, click here.

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